Board Meeting Minutes November 2024

Earlville Library District Board Meeting Minutes

6:00 PM Tuesday, November 19, 2024

On November 19, 2024 the meeting was called to order by Ann Hecathorn at 6:00 PM in the library.

Present were Board members: Ann Hecathorn, Marcia Farley, Janice Wolff, Mary Bender, Ben Hoffman, and Kathy Eager. Skip Nanzer was absent. Also present were Nina Lopez and director Paige Frechmann.

Review of minutes from previous meeting: Marcia Farley made a motion to accept the minutes.  Janice Wolff seconded.  Motion carried.

Financial Report: Kathy Eager made a motion to accept the financial report. Mary Bender seconded. Motion carried with a unanimous roll-call vote.

Library Director’s Report: MASS visits are cancelled until further notice.  They are having funding problems.

FAID test is complete and we passed!

Greg Mathesius is working on a quote for a generator.

We are looking at two new computers. It will be ready for approval at January meeting.  Paige has asked Resource Bank for a donation to the project.

New Business

Per Capita Grant: Some editing suggestions were offered. Ann Hecathorn made a motion to approve the application with suggested editing. Ben Hoffman seconded. Motion carried with a unanimous roll-call vote.

Christmas Bonus: Kathy Eager made a motion to give $50.00 Christmas bonus to each of the Library permanent employees. Janice Wolff seconded. Motion carried with unanimous roll-call vote.

Cancellation of December 2024 meeting: Ann Hecathorn made a motion to cancel the December meeting.  Mary Bender seconded.  Motion carried.

Unfinished Business

Elections: Filing period has ended.  Four candidates will be on the ballot in April to fill three vacant seats.

Halloween Costume Contest Report: Halloween costume contest was a success. Ann Hecathorn and Janice Wollf helped judge.

Elevator Sump Pump: Still in progress.

ILA Standards: no movement.

Items for next agenda: Computers, Leaf removal, Insurance changes, fire extinguisher tutorial, sump pump.

Announcements: The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 21st, 2025 at 6:00 PM at the Earlville Library District.

Adjournment: Marcia Farley made a motion to adjourn at 6:42 PM. Janice Wolff seconded.  Motion carried.