Earlville Library District Board Meeting Minutes
6:00 PM Tuesday, October 15th, 2024
On October 15th, 2024 the meeting was called to order by President Ann Hecathorn at 6:00 PM in the library.
Present were Board members: Ann Hecathorn, Skip Nanzer, Marcia Farley, Janice Wolff, Mary Bender, and Ben Hoffman. Kathy Eager was absent. Also present was Director Paige Frechmann.
Review of minutes from pervious meeting: Janice Wolff made a motion to accept the minutes. Marcia Farley seconded. Motion carried.
Financial Report: Skip Nanzer made a motion to accept the financial report. Ben Hoffman seconded. Motion carried with a unanimous roll-call vote.
Library Director’s Report: Kits are going well and being utilized in the community. Upcoming; kids can build a skeleton. Halloween trick-or-treating is set to happen outside on Halloween night. Nina is doing a ghost craft for the adults. The senator’s open hours were attended by one patron. The community puzzle is ongoing and the Book Recommendation Tree for kids will continue for another month to allow time to accrue more books. A suggestion was made for an adult version of the book recommendation tree. The quilt program is proceeding nicely.
FAID test: The elevator test that was scheduled was a no go because not all parties showed. It still needs to be rescheduled. Paige suspects the elevator won’t pass inspection because our elevator has only a smoke alarm and not a fire alarm system.
Generator: Paige has not heard from Greg Mathesius and will call again soon.
Resource Bank Donation: Paige is going to ask for a donation towards the new computers we would like to purchase. She’s going to state our purpose and let them decide what to donate.
Cement: One step retains a bit of water. Will re-check in the Spring. It was recommended that we use pet safe salt to help maintain the steps in the winter.
Computer Upgrades: Staff will be asked about their opinions before bringing it to the board.
Landscaping: completed by Matt Johnson
New Business
Review of Closed Session Minutes: We need to vote to open or close them. Recordings are subject to library law and once approved recordings older than 18 months can be destroyed. Minutes have to be kept; we can vote to keep them closed. We must revisit every 6 months. Motion made by Skip Nanzer to keep written minutes closed. Mary Bender seconded. Motion carried.
Audit: Paige would like Newkirk to make a suggestion for someone to look at our audit and see if there are any problems. Paige will ask them for info on cost and whether or not it is necessary to perform an audit every year. Ann Hecathorn made a motion to accept the audit. Skip Nanzer seconded. Motion carried with a unanimous roll-call vote.
AFR: Marcia Farley made a motion to accept the Annual Financial Report. Ben Hoffman seconded. Motion carried with a unanimous roll-call vote.
Unfinished Business:
Elevator Sump Pump: Ben and Brett need to schedule when to set it up.
Standards Checklist: no change
Items for the Next Agenda: elections, Halloween costume contest results, sump pump, ILA Standards checklist, and audit.
Announcements: The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 19th, 2024 @ 6:00PM at the Earlville Library District.
Adjournment: At 6:41PM Marcia Farley motioned to adjourn. Janice Wolff seconded. Motion carried.